
Manual therapy, state-of-the-art physiotherapy equipment, and kinesiotherapy are the cornerstones of physiotherapeutic interventions at our Polyclinic. Linked by the unique Tensional model of diagnosing locomotor system disorders, they enable us to provide precise and effective interventions in the field of orthopedic and sports physiotherapy.

The manual therapy methods we practice include:

  • Mulligan
  • Kaltenborn-Evjenth
  • Cyriax
  • Chiropractic (Ackermann school)
  • Fascial manipulations (Stecco)
  • Osteopathy
  • Bowen

The latest physiotherapy technology available at Scipion includes:

  • Electrotherapy
  • Cryoionotherapy
  • Ultrasound
  • High-power pulsed magnetotherapy (1.5T) – FMS
  • Radiofrequency therapy (popularly known as “TECAR”)
  • Scan laser
  • Pressotherapy
  • Shockwave therapy (TUV-ESWT)

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