Anterior Knee Pain

So, I've been involved in athletics for about ten years now, currently I'm 20 years old. This year I

Anterior Knee Pain2024-04-11T10:39:33+02:00

After Meniscectomy

A physically very active patient, aged 48, who regularly runs, skis, and mountain climbs, experienced issues with his right

After Meniscectomy2024-04-11T10:35:43+02:00

Arthroscopy Magic

I underwent medial meniscus surgery on October 21st in Lovran. The doctor said he only cleaned the part that

Arthroscopy Magic2024-04-07T08:54:12+02:00

Chronic Shin splints

"I am involved in football, and I have been dealing with shin splints problem for 3 years now. I

Chronic Shin splints2024-04-04T15:34:21+02:00


Seven days ago, I fell on the concrete, hitting my right knee and my left leg just below the


All for Cartilage Recovery

In a lengthy letter, a reader from a neighboring country describes his postoperative condition as good after knee arthroscopy

All for Cartilage Recovery2024-03-25T14:02:05+01:00


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