Heel Spur

 I'm interested in how many treatments are typically needed to treat a heel spur? The size of the spur

Heel Spur2024-04-11T10:30:34+02:00

Ankle instability

I am 40 years old. On June 21, 2019, I sprained my ankle. So far, I have undergone Emet,

Ankle instability2024-04-07T09:11:54+02:00

Groin Pain

I would like to ask for your opinion. I'm feeling tightness in the groin, specifically the adductor muscles. Both

Groin Pain2024-03-25T14:01:33+01:00

Unstable Patella

Ten years ago, I fell while skiing and injured my knee, and since then my knee cap (patella) always

Unstable Patella2024-03-25T14:02:46+01:00


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