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    We had many questions and uncertainties about athlete training, especially in the transitional phase from the rehabilitation process (which we completed) to sports, professional training, and competition. Very often, coaches and physiotherapists are unsure of how this transitional phase should look.

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    Imaging diagnostics, especially MRI, has brought significant benefits to orthopedics and physiotherapy. Especially today, when examinations with 3T resolution machines are available to most. Whenever we are unsure about a diagnosis, MRI is there, and the information it provides is usually useful. However, relying predominantly on images and less on physical examination has its drawbacks.

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    Ponekad, niti uz najmoderniju dijagnostiku poput ultrazvuka, magnetske rezonance, pregleda iskusnog ortopeda nismo u mogućnosti točno odrediti što uzrokuje bolnost s prednje strane koljena.

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    This joint is built so that the cup looks like a shallow saucer, and is located on the scapula and is called the glenoid, and the joint head is an almost regular sphere, significantly larger than the cup. Such a structure allows great mobility, but also considerable instability.

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    When the scapula makes an unusual movement when raising the arm, we call it dyskinesia. This phenomenon has been talked about a lot in the profession for the last twenty years.

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    In direct translation, impingement means pinching, which means that the pathological processes in this painful syndrome are caused by too strong or too long pressure on the soft tissues in the shoulder.

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    Bone protrusions or distortions are also called osteophytes. The most famous among them is the heel thorn. Today, we consider them to be the body’s normal response to the physical stress to which that compound is exposed.
    Their formation increases the surface area over which the force is transferred to the bone, thus reducing the pressure per unit area.

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    Recently, a football player sought assistance a few days after receiving a blow to the thigh during a match. Two days after the injury, the front muscle of the thigh was painful and slightly swollen, after a rough massage at the club, colloquially referred to as “dissolving the hematoma,” the swelling of the thigh increased even more the following day, followed by a hematoma puncture.

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    Imaging diagnostics (MRI, X-ray, ultrasound, CT…) is of great assistance in diagnosis, but when taken for granted, it can also be a major obstacle, as shown by the following example from our practice.