3. April 2024.

A new device for shock wave therapy

A new apparatus for piezoelectric focused shock wave therapy has arrived at our Polyclinic. With its unique features, such as a very small focus (4x6mm) and adaptable depth, it allows us to provide precise therapy for conditions such as tendon calcifications, chronic tendon inflammations and their insertions into bones, chronic muscle ruptures, and a whole range of painful conditions that do not respond to conventional treatment approaches.

Scipion is a pioneer in the application of this technology in Croatia. The first apparatus for focused shock wave therapy was installed in our institution in 2007. The first report on the results of applying this treatment method also originated in our Polyclinic. Since then, we have applied this method of treatment to over 2000 patients with a success rate significantly exceeding 80%.

During this period, we have refined approaches to diagnosing disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as well as further improved criteria for the application of shock wave therapy, all of which have resulted in success rates significantly above global standards.

Piezoelectric shock wave therapy significantly differs from so-called radial shock wave therapy, as well as from other generators of focused shock waves (electrohydraulic and electromagnetic). Its main advantages include significantly less pain during application, reduced reactive pain after application, better energy focusing, and overall better treatment outcomes. It can also be applied in cases where therapy with other shock wave sources has been unsuccessful.

For any further information about this technology, please visit our website or contact us.

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