Biceps Tendon Adjustment

Recently, I have received several inquiries, and encountered patients in the clinic, who had undergone "biceps tendon adjustment" procedures

Biceps Tendon Adjustment2024-11-04T18:06:57+01:00

Patella fracture

Hello, Two days ago, my daughter was hit by a car, resulting in a fractured patella in her knee.

Patella fracture2024-10-22T19:12:03+02:00

Beyond the limit

A reader who works an intense physical job and has an adrenaline hobby that is also physically demanding is

Beyond the limit2024-10-09T10:27:13+02:00

Remote Cause

Kada je, prije nekoliko mjeseci, jedan mladi nogometaš zatražio pomoć poradi bolova u lijevom koljenu, sve je ukazivalo da

Remote Cause2024-10-09T10:29:20+02:00

Persistent Shoulder Pain

I am experiencing severe pain in my left shoulder. I have undergone 30 physical therapy sessions and received 7

Persistent Shoulder Pain2024-10-08T20:54:24+02:00
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